Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Charette II

On April 13 we sat down as a class for a second time to update everyone on all the group studies. Val and Aaron presented their information on the site location and we used that to help us get a conversation started on what the design should be. One important analysis was of the views from our site. We felt it was important to appreciate these views in an effort to connect our structure and the user with not only the site it is directly sitting on but also with various parts of the city. We also decided that an abstract form would be more appropriate for this site. The site has many formalities and we felt a literal structure would be lost and/or expected. Rough sketches of the idea we are currently developing can be found below. The structure will "grow" out of the ground gradually with multiple "tentacles." The tentacles will serve as planters in order to blur the line between the land and our structure. Each "tentacle" is a gesture toward a view we find important. Our hope is to direct the user's attention toward these views in a discreet manner. The structure will also serve as a seating area. There will be multiple seating areas allowing for users to break. Though there are many benches along the site we felt that it was important to create a structure that the user could interact with. We are also talking about designing a canopy over the seating areas that will add another level and layer to our design.

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